EARTH DAY STORY IDEA: A More Earth-Friendly Way To Dispose Of Used Cooking Oil
Let’s talk fatbergs in sewer systems. They look like the mass the woman is holding in the photo above left.
According to the EPA, over 25,000 sewer overflows per year are caused by Fats, Oil, and Grease (FOG). As oil solidifies in sewers, the resulting blockages (fatbergs) create sewer overflows and backups of garbage and raw sewage into the surrounding area. This contamination is toxic to plants and wildlife and damaging to the local environment.
It’s quite often caused by home cooks who dispose of their used cooking oil by pouring it down the sink drain or toilet. This is a dirty little secret most people will not admit to, but it happens all of the time.
Alternatively many people put their used cooking oil in a jar or can and toss it in the garbage. This means the container can’t be recycled and ultimately adds more trash to landfills.
The better solution to dispose of used cooking oil is to use FryAway — a product recently launched by Laura Lady, an executive in the toy industry for many years who started FryAway as a side hustle because she loves to fry and hated the idea of people contributing to fatbergs.
FryAway is a 100% plant-based cooking oil solidifier, which transforms used cooking oils into solid organic waste for safe disposal in household garbage. It then takes approximately 28 days to decompose in a landfill with much less harm to the environment.
A full one-sheet on the product is available here.
FRYAWAY IS AVAILABLE ON AMAZON for affiliate marketing programs!
Thanks for your time and let me know if you have any questions or we can work to set up an interview with Laura (the woman in the photo above left).
Jane Coloccia
JC Communications